107 George Street, Parramatta
New South Wales
Client | Foo Pty Ltd
Site Area | 2,776m²
Value | $18m
Scope | 14 storeys comprising 33 apartments and 2 basement levels
The Design Proposal for 107 George Street Parramatta is based on the creation of a strong ‘Sense of Place’ through the careful balancing of contextual response, residential amenity and building form. The proposal reinforces the George Street frontage by aligning with neighbouring buildings on George Street. This completes a 3 storey street front podium along the southern side of George Street. The masonry podium element is articulated with recessed balconies and landscaped planter boxes. While the upper level building form steps back to the street and side boundary’s and has a recessed base that reduces the perception of the upper level built form, and appears to ‘float’ above the podium element.
The street frontage is activated by commercial uses to the ground floor, and the recessed residential lobby and driveway are proposed to be paved in stone. A continuous metal awning along the street front reinforces the neighbouring awnings along the street and improves pedestrian amenity.
The urban design strategy, built form and massing has been reviewed by Parramatta Design Excellence Advisory Panel, and supported the breach in height of 3 levels, and setback controls through a site specific urban anaylsis.
Work completed by Mark Gazy at BVN Architecture.